Five things I wish people knew about real-life machine learning

Deena Gergis is a data science lead at Bayer. I recently discovered Deena’s article on LinkedIn titled “Five Things I Wish I Knew About Real-Life AI.” I think that this article is a great piece of a career advice for all the current and aspiring data scientists, as well as for all the professionals who work with them. Let’ me take Deena’s headings and add my 2 cents.

One. It is all about the delivered value, not the method.

I fully agree with this one. Nobody cares whether you used a linear regression or recurrent neural network. Nobody really cares about p-values or r-squared. What people need are results, insights, or working products. Simple, right?

Two. Packaging does matter

Again, well said. The way you present your solution to your colleagues, customers, or stakeholders can determine whether your project will get more funds and resources or not. 

Three. Doing the right things != doing things right.

Exactly. Citing Deena: “you might be perfectly predicting a KPI that no one cares about.” Enough said. 

Four. Set realistic expectations.

Not everybody realizes that “machine learning” and “artificial intelligence” are not a synonym of “magic” but rather a form of statistics (I hope “real” statisticians won’t get mad at me here). The principle “garbage in – garbage out” holds in machine learning. Moreover, sometimes, ML systems amplify the garbage, resulting in “garbage in, tons of garbage out”. 

Five. Keep humans in the loop.

Let me cite Deena again: “My customers are my partners, not just end-users.” Note that by “customers,” we don’t only mean walk-in clients, but also any internal customer, project manager, even a colleague who works on the same project. They are all partners with unique insights, domain knowledge, and experience. Use them to make your work better. 

Read the original article here. Deena Gergis has several more articles on LinkedIn here. And if you know Arabic, you might want to watch Deena’s videos on YouTube here. Unfortunately, my Arabic is not good enough to understand her Egyptian accent, but I suspect that her videos are as good as her writings.

Visualising Odds Ratio — Henry Lau

Besides being a freelancer data scientist and visualization expert, I teach. One of the toughest concepts to teach and to visualize is odds ratio. Today, I stumbled upon a very interesting post that deals exactly with that

On Thursday 7 May, the ONS published analysis comparing deaths involving COVID-19 by ethnicity. There’s an excellent summary on twitter but the headline is that when taking into account age and other socio-demographic factors, such as deprivation, household composition, education, health and disability, there is higher risk for some ethnic groups of a COVID related…

Visualising Odds Ratio — Henry Lau

Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful — Stephen Wolfram Blog

OK, so Stephen Wolfram (a mega celebrity in the computational intelligence world and, among other things a physicist) claims that he may have found a path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics. The blog post is long, and I hope to be able to finish reading it in a week or two. The accompanying technical text is a 450-page tome available on a dedicated site.

Also, it turns out that Stephen Wolfram has a channel in which he talks about science.

Website: Wolfram Physics Project Technical Intro: A Class of Models with the Potential to Represent Fundamental Physics How We Got Here: The Backstory of the Wolfram Physics Project… 26,455 more words

Finally We May Have a Path to the Fundamental Theory of Physics… and It’s Beautiful — Stephen Wolfram Blog

On oranizing a data org in a company, job titles, and more

Photo by Khimish Sharma on

My colleague, Simon Ouderkik, recorded a REALLY interesting interview with Stephen Levin of Zapier and Emilie Schario of Gitlab on organizing data org in a company, job titles, career ladders, and other important stuff.

As y’all may recall, last year I was lucky enough to spens some time working with the fine folks at Locally Optimistic to produce and run some AMA content for them – they ended up being more similar to traditional interviews, but folks seemed to enjoy them! You can find those all here! These were […]

I’m Giving Video Content a Try! — Simon Ouderkirk

Everything is NOT just fine (repost)

My job wasn’t affected by the COVID madness in almost any way. I used to work from home before, and I work from home now, none on my customers cancelled any projects, the health system in Israel is still functioning, all of my relatives are in good health, everything is just fine! I know how unusual I am in the current world, with the skyrocketing unemployment, non-functioning governments, and three-digit body counts. I was about to write about that, but then I read AnnMaria’s post.

You should read it too

I’ve read a lot of cheery tweets that said something like, “Buffy, Biff and I are isolated at home with our terrier, Boo. Here’s a picture. Isn’t he cute? We played card games, then I baked this three-course meal I saw on Pinterest. Biff is taking this time to finally become proficient in Mandarin with…

Everything is NOT just fine — AnnMaria’s Blog

The first things a statistical consultant needs to know — AnnMaria’s Blog

You know that I’m a data science consultant now, don’t you? You know that AnnMaria De Mars, Ph.D. (the statistician, game developer, the world Judo champion) is one of my favorite bloggers, and her blog is the second blog I started to follow don’t you? 

A couple of months ago, AnnMaria wrote an extensive post about 30 things she learned in 30 years as a statistical consultant. One week ago, she wrote another great piece of advice.

I’ll be speaking about being a statistical consultant at SAS Global Forum in D.C. in March/ April. While I will be talking a little bit about factor analysis, repeated measures ANOVA and logistic regression, that is the end of my talk. The first things a statistical consultant should know don’t have much to do with…

The first things a statistical consultant needs to know — AnnMaria’s Blog

Bootstrapping the right way?

Many years ago, I terribly overfit a model which caused losses of a lot of shekels (a LOT). It’s not that I wasn’t aware of the potential overfitting. I was. Among other things, I used several bootstrapping simulations. It turns out that I applied the bootstrapping in a wrong way. My particular problem was that I “forgot” about confounding parameters and that I “forgot” that peeping into the future is a bad thing.

Anyhow, Yanir Seroussi, my coworker data scientist, gave a very good talk on bootstrapping.

Visualizations with perceptual free-rides

Dr. Richard Brath is a data visualization expert who also blogs from time to time. Each post in Richard’s blog provides a deep, and often unexpected to me, insight into one dataviz aspect or another.


We create visualizations to aid viewers in making visual inferences. Different visualizations are suited to different inferences. Some visualizations offer more additional perceptual inferences over comparable visualizations. That is, the specific configuration enables additional inferences to be observed directly, without additional cognitive load. (e.g. see Gem Stapleton et al, Effective Representation of Information: Generalizing Free Rides2016).

Here’s an example from 1940, a bar chart where both bar length and width indicate data:


The length of the bar (horizontally) is the percent increase in income in each industry.  Manufacturing has the biggest increase in income (18%), Contract Construction is second at 13%.

The width of the bar (vertically) is the relative size of that industry: Manufacturing is wide – it’s the biggest industry – it accounts for about 23% of all industry. Contract Construction is narrow, perhaps the third smallest industry, perhaps around 3-4%.

What’s really interesting is that

View original post 446 more words

Against A/B tests

Traditional A/B testsing rests on a fundamentally flawed premise. Most of the time, version A will be better for some subgroups, and version B will be better for others. Choosing either A or B is inherentlyinferior to choosing a targeted mix of A and B.

Michael Kaminsky

The quote above is from a post by Michael Kaminsky “Against A/B tests“. I’m still not fully convinced by Michael’s thesis but it is very interesting and thought-provoking.